Embedded Systems
Internet of Things
Intelligent Transport Systems
I was part of a team developing a smart-city structure capable of acquiring data from a multi-slave->master system, which will be then presented on a Web interface.
I spent two months at CEiiA on a team responsible for the development and optimization of low cost and eco-friendly monitoring buoys.
I spent a week at Critical Software (Coimbra) working on a team, developing an environmental sensor station, the senseBox. At the end of the week we did a pitch for the company CEO and other employees.
Development of a monitoring and data communication system for application in Pavement Energy Harvesting (continuation of the PEJENE 2020 internship)
I spent the second semester of the fourth year at University of Hull, England.
Controlling a servo motor using an infrared controller.
It's divided into two phases:
1) Decode the controller: obtain the code corresponding to each of the buttons so that the microcontroller knows which one is being pressed.
2) Send instructions to the servo, depending on which button is pressed.
View Project
Game in which the microcontroller will generate a random sequence that we have to memorize and repeat. Each level increases the sequence by one to a total of 10 steps.
Win and be congratulated by an awesome song.
The CheckMates project was developed in the context of Programming Laboratories, a 4th year course in FEUP’s MIEEC.
I worked with André Aragão, André Silva and José Pedro, who I hope are doing great in their careers.
The License Plate Recognition project was developed in the context of Vision-Based Systems, a 4th year course in FEUP’s MIEEC.
I worked with André Ribeiro, João Oliveira and Leonor Santos,
who I hope are doing great in their careers.